Situation Continued ...

Place-Specific / Site-Specific 

From Lucy Lippard's 'Notes from a Recent Arrival' 1995, we can learn much about what it means to create work in a place rich in history and current activity. "Any place is diminished when it becomes a mere backdrop for mainstream art. Art that illuminates its location rather than just occupying it is place-specific rather than site-specific..." Here Lippard articulates the importance of sensitivity to the location of art production.

There is great significance in a sense of community and identity within this pottery/tile industry - Lippard notes "When history fails a community, memory takes up the task. If history comes from above and outside, from teachers and governments, stories are told from the inside at ground level." We hope to generate a narrative, a discussion surrounding experience both shared and individual, all drawn back to the place. In merging two worlds for a weekend and exploring the weight of importance we offer what we see from our own internal dialogues. - cliche's aside - Myself and Fearn's original responsiveness to the stimuli surrounding us at the Mill, serves to celebrate what the workers in the factory value. Exploring a Sense of Worth.

~ Amy 


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