
Changing Space - Logistics 

Work produced for the exhibition is starting to be shaped by conversation. Extensive discourse around the logistics of gathering (documentary) material led us to having in depth discussion around the preciousness of business and process.  

As we are responding to the sense of worthiness surrounding the social value of tile making at the mill and the value of our studio arts practice in public contexts. I intend to create new space within the building that directs attention towards a feeling from the environment. By opening up the contained space, I'm thinking about collective reflection on memories associated with the place.

My response to the conditions in the mill comes from examining in detail the nature of the environment. As my process involves capturing an essence from a moment and reiterating that back to an audience.  I've picked up on a particular feeling in conversation with the resident workers at the mill. One that is rooted in the social identity and a relationship to the history of the mill. It could be also interesting to explore my feeling of displacement as a 'thinker' more so than a labourer.

Within the shipping containers we intend to generate some collaborative pieces which combine the immateriality of my digital imagery and Fearn's material object. 

Proposal drawings - 

~ Amy 


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